![World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z]]()
The battle for Gold Medals and personal bests ignites excitement and healthy competition in World Championship Athletics. Athletes from all over the world run, throw, jump and swim for victory
Millimeters and split seconds will decide the winners. Athletes compete in 28 summer time disciplines, including hurdles, high diving, javelin and pole vault.
* Supports the Wii Balance Board™
* Create and develop your own athlete
* Compete in 28 different events
* Up to 4 players splitscreen or hotseat
Source: dolphin-emu
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |
Category: | World Championship Athletics [R9ME5Z] |
License: | Freeware |
Date: | November 30, -0001 |